
Monday, September 8, 2014

DIY Pumpkin Face Mask

What's better than a pumpkin spice latte on a chilly autumn eve? 
A lovely pumpkin face mask!
Simply blend 1/4 cup of pure pumpkin puree, 1 egg, 1 tsp. of honey, and 1 tsp of warm milk (or milk substitute). Mix it up and gently dab it onto your face, avoiding contact with your eyes. Leave on for 15 minutes, and remove with a warm wash cloth. 
Your skin will feel pampered and refreshed!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Amazing Aloe

August 7, 2014
Is your skin feeling dry and chapped from fun in the sunshine this summer ?

Try using this simple ingredient that is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and E, and loaded with folic acid, copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium and manganese.

What is it? Aloe vera!

Aloe vera has been shown to heal minor wounds eight days faster than standard dressing. It has amazing antibacterial qualities and can ease eczema and psoriasis flare-ups.
Aloe vera can be gently rubbed onto sunburned and chapped skin. Aloe vera gel can be found in almost any grocery store, usually in the health section. Try out Glow’s Sunkissed Spray that uses the amazing properties of aloe vera juice. 

TIP: Fill an ice cube tray with aloe gel. The next time you get burns, bug bites, or have too much sun exposure just pop one out for nearly instant relief.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Aromatherapy Cellulite Treatment

June 10, 2014
Maria Hansford is this week's feature blogger. Maria is a Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional who brings the benefits of aromatherapy treatments and essential oils to her business, Healing Aromas, in Guelph Ontario. For more information on Maria's services or Healing Aromas visit:

Cellulite, a layer of subcutaneous fat, is the culprit behind that orange-peel texture we can get on our stomachs, butts and thights. Poor digestion and lack of sleep can cause it. Hormonal imbalances can play a part too, but the main reason why so many women today suffer from cellulite may be the abundance of hormone-mimicking chemicals in our environment. Estrogen-like food additives, fragrances, preservatives, and dyes trigger the formation of body fat in the waist and lower body areas. Excess estrogen is also linked to water retention, which could explain why drinking more water results in expelling more water and, as a result, less visible cellulite.

Essential oils for cellulite treatments have the following qualities :
diuretic to decrease water retention,
appetite suppressant to regulate one's cravings and 
detoxifier to eliminate the toxins by encouraging a better lymphatic circulation.

Juniper, also scientifically identified as Juniperus Communis, is an effective diuretic as it aids in decreasing fluid retention. This essential oil is also an excellent detoxifying agent, aiding the expulsion of toxins from the body system.

Rosemary, also scientifically identified as Rosmarinus Officinalis, is a perfect choice as a diuretic too. This essential oil is good for improving lymphatic circulation and is greatly beneficial in treating Cellulite.

Cypress, known as Cupressus sempervirens,  induces vasoconstriction and it is therefore very beneficial in treating varicose veins. It is  also a good diuretic.

Geranium, also know as Pelargonium graveolens, is an effective diuretic too. It promotes better circulation of lymphatic fluids and toxins' eradication. Geranium is also a good skin care ingredient for its balancing quality, helping to regulate the production of sebum.

Lemon, scientifically identified as Citrus Limon, is stimulating and uplifting. It also helps in treating varicose veins when combined with cypress.

Lavender, lavandula angustifolia, is a good agent in treating stretch marks.

Grapefruit essential oil,scientifically identified as Citrus Paradisi, is good for decongesting skin pores and also regulating the production of skin sebum. This essential oil is an excellent skin tonic . It is also beneficial in cellulite treatments.

When massaging the affected areas during a cellulite treatment, the pressure exerted is helpful in improving circulation for both blood and lymph. The essential oils used in the treatments penetrate into the dermal layer breaking the cellulite build up and aiding its expelling process.

Essential oils, due to their high concentration and potency, should be diluted in a carrier oil such as jojoba, almond or grapeseed. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Change Your Ingredients, Change Your Life!

June 4, 2014
This week we are very excited to feature a blog post from the multi-talented Louise Camilleri. Louise is a Natural Health Practitioner, Holistic Skincare Formulator and Natural Perfumer . Her mission is to teach people how to live to their highest potential through holistic means, and she offers her clients her best in preventative healthcare practices. 

You’ve heard it before.  It’s a simple phrase amongst all the catch phrases roaming around the health & wellness industry these days but it’s one that a lot of people might find hard to believe.
     As a Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Holistic Skin Care Formulator and Natural Perfumer, I know for a fact that this old adage holds a great deal of truth.  On a daily basis I use a substance, during all of these activities, that has ingredients that are beneficial to my wellbeing inside and out.
     Enter one of nature’s best, 'The Essential Oil'.  Rosemary essential oil, for example,  a flowering herb from France, Italy and Spain.  After these flowering tops have been steam distilled you have a true miracle in a jar.
     For your health it is a #1 heart tonic.  It improves blood circulation, is an anti-inflammatory, aids with asthma and bronchitis, gets rid of fluid (edema), helps with sprains, and is a general stimulant.  For your mental wellness it acts as an anti-depressant, is uplifting, helps with mental fatigue, and clears the mind and memory.  For your natural beauty just dilute it with water and you have a natural skin astringent then use it on the scalp for hair loss.  To gain all of these affects from the inside out, use a sprig of this herb in your cooking.  You know an ingredient is great when you can eat it!
     An example of the power of lavender essential oil is a case study** in which women who received lavender aromatherapy* after undergoing cesarean surgery had less postoperative pain, decreased heart rate and greater satisfaction with their pain management as opposed to women who received a placebo form of aromatherapy.  It also makes a lovely and aromatic beauty tea when the dried buds are steeped.
     Changing your ingredients to change your life is all part of what I call 'The Conscious Living Lifestyle';  where we, as active participants in our healthcare regime, source all the information we can to make the right decisions in a conscious state of awareness about our quality of life.  Gone are the dark ages of blind taste tests, of not reading a label and knowing what was in a product that was going on your skin and into your body.  Today, there are regulations that require disclosure of ingredients on labels or at the very least there are companies that share the research they have on a commercial product.
     Just as we do with our cars on a regular maintenance schedule, or with our homes seasonally, it’s a good idea to take a mental and physical check of ourselves and do a little cleaning or shake things up with a change to our health, wellness and beauty regime.
     I challenge you to research an essential oil that you may have heard of, like the smell of, or might know well.  This could be coconut oil or oil of oregano, which both have fabulous properties.  Find out if it comes in a food grade and add it to your next recipe.  Find a lovely citrus oil like mandarin and blend it with patchouli on a handkerchief to replace the dryer sheet in your next load of laundry.  This tip is especially good for people who have allergic reactions or sensitivities to the chemicals or synthetic fragrance in dryer sheets.  You’ll find this to not only be economical but uplifting, calming, and soothing with a bit of the aphrodisiac effects thrown in, (laundry will never be the same!).  Finally, for those who are a bit more daring look for a natural, raw, shea butter and mix in some rose or lavender essential oil to make a lovely body butter that will soothe the skin and rejuvenate the cells.
     What a beautiful thing nature has supplied for us in these pure botanical oils that are chock full of natural compounds to aid our health, wellness and beauty.  They provide the most effective, safe and natural ingredients we can use to change our lives for the better.

**Department of Anesthesiology, Golestan Hospital, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran; and Barij Essence Research and Development Centre, Kashan, Iran. Originally published in 2013 in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, 3(1), 203-207.

*Aromatherapy for pain relief rests primarily on the topical application of high-quality, potent essential oils. Layering oils onto the back allows for increased access to spinal nerves connected with dermatomes and organs. Increasing the area of application allows for more global pain-and-inflammation reduction. Applying friction to the back stimulates the skin's nerves and dermatomes. (A client presenting with acute internal pain should be referred to a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment.)

For more information on The Conscious Living Lifestyle check out Louise’s website at

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Natural Skincare & Essential Oils

May 6, 2014
This week's feature blog comes from the wonderful Vivien Allen. Vivien is a certified Aromatherapist & Herbalist, and she has a strong background in Physics & Chemistry. In her lab Vivien crafts herbal medicines  & oils, serums, and detergents. Overall, Vivien is an expert in her field of Aromatherapy and natural skincare. 


Do you know what is in the products that you use every day ? Do you read the ingredients on the products that you just put on your skin? Your skin is your body’s largest organ, everything that you put on your skin will enter into your body .

Ten years ago after going through many health issues, I decided to do research on all the products that I was using. I looked at the ingredients in my laundry detergent, fabric softener, shampoo, skincare & even cleaning products. I quickly discovered that there are many dangerous chemicals in all the products that we use every day. Since synthetic ingredients are economical, stable & accessible, large companies often find it necessary to turn to synthetic alternatives. Many people have allergic reactions to these chemicals mainly due to the use of synthetic fragrance, colorants, preservatives & petroleum based ingredients.

These chemicals can cause allergies, headaches, migraines, mental depression, and even cancer. After reading these horror stories about dangerous chemicals, I decided that I am going to make everything that I put on my skin. I also make my own cleaning product, laundry & dish detergent. Since then, I'v gotten rid of my childhood allergies & migraines.

For the last ten years, using natural & aromatherapy products has been a major part of my life. I make aromatherapy products for naturopathic, homeopathic & osteopathic doctors.

I make some of my own therapeutic grade essential oils & herbal oils that I use in my practice. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years offering tremendous therapeutic benefits. You too can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy at home. It is easy to incorporate aromatherapy into your daily routine. Use therapeutic grade essential oils only as these oils give you the greatest benefits. My favorite essential oils are Lavender & Roman Chamomile. It is very useful to keep a bottle of Lavender & Roman Chamomile essential oils in your medicine cabinet. Below is a list of some of the things that you can use these oils for.

For Migraines & headache – Massage your neck & forehead with lavender or marjoram oil mixed into a 5 ml carrier oil. Headache & migraines are often caused by tension or stress. (You can also try out GLOW's Head-Ease Essential Oil Balm).

For burns or sunburn, apply a blend of Lavender & Roman Chamomile oil into a carrier oil. This blend will help those with eczema as well. Here is a special blend that you can try. 2 drops of Roman Chamomile, 6 drops of lavender, 20 ml of carrier oil such as Avocado, Grape seed or Olive oil. (Check out GLOW's Sunkissed Spray).

For insomnia, try a warm aromatic bath containing with 5 drops of lavender & 5 drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil. Then treat yourself to a hot cup of chamomile tea. (You can also find relief using GLOW's Sweet Dreams Essential Oil Balm).

For the mysterious pimple on your face, try zapping it with lavender oil. Apply 1 drop of lavender oil directly to the spot and leave overnight. (Or try GLOW's Acne Spot Treatment Serum). 

Hornet or bee stings – Apply 1 to 2 drops of Roman Chamomile topical to the area & massage into the area.

For infants, it can be used in a diluted form to sooth an irritated & teething infant.For women, Roman Chamomile is used to relieve PMS and abdominal pain.

Vivien Allen, 
Certified Aromatherapist

For more information on aromatherapy and essential oils, you may contact Vivien at:

Monday, April 28, 2014

Rosacea and Essential Oils

April 28, 2014
GLOW is pleased to feature a post by an outstanding aromatherapist, Colleen Thompson. Colleen  has worked in the field of Aromatherapy since 1995 and has been a Registered Aromatherapist since 1998. She was the owner of two Saje franchises from 1996 – 2002. After leaving Saje, she operated her second aromatherapy business, TAP from home for 2 years and then opened her combination aromatherapy retail store and spa (TAP) in Fort Langley, BC. Colleen Thompson is the President of the Board of Directors of the British Columbia Association of Practising Aromatherapists (BCAPA), is on the British Columbia Alliance of Aromatherapists Board of Directors (BCAOA) as Secretary and is on the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists Board of Directors (CFA) as Secretary.


I must admit I’ve never had great skin but in my mid-thirties it really started to act up. It started with redness on my cheeks and nose and would really act up when I ate spicy foods, had a little wine or was lacking in sleep. As time went on I started to break out in large pustules and my nose would become quite red and would throb. My doctor diagnosed it as adult acne and put me on antibiotics, which didn’t help at all. I started going for weekly facials and buying more and more expensive skin care products in search of a remedy but nothing worked, and in fact some products made it worse. It wasn’t until I became interested in aromatherapy about five years later that I realized I had a condition called Rosacea.

Rosacea is a chronic and often complex disorder of the facial skin that that is becoming increasingly widespread as the large baby boomers generation enters the most susceptible ages. It is often characterized by flare-ups and remissions.

Often referred to as adult acne, this typically begins any time after age 30 as a redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead that may come and go. In some cases, rosacea may also occur on the neck, chest, scalp or ears. Over time, the redness tends to become ruddier and more persistent, and visible blood vessels may appear. Left untreated, bumps and pimples often develop, and in severe cases the nose may grow swollen and bumpy from excess tissue. In some people, the eyes are also affected, feeling irritated and appearing watery or bloodshot.

Because of its red-faced, acne-like effects on personal appearance, it can cause significant psychological, social and occupational problems if left untreated.

Once I realized that I was dealing with an entirely different skin condition from my doctor’s diagnosis I immediately stopped using the expensive skin care and going for the weekly facials that were obviously doing nothing for the condition and were causing a serious hit to my pocketbook. I began researching essential oils that were reputed to be beneficial for rosacea with no real expectation that they would have much effect. I was in for a pleasant surprise when the pustules and redness immediately started to decrease and to be honest I would have been satisfied with just that outcome, however as time went on my skin became more healthy and vibrant. Now 20 years later, my rosacea is no longer an issue, my skin is clear and glowing and my pocketbook is much happier!

Essential oils to use for rosacea include:

Top: Bergamot, Cajeput, Lemon

Middle: Chamomile (German), Cypress, Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint, Petitgrain

Bottom: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver                      
The Sensitive Skin Serum from Glow along with the Refresh Toner both contain some of the above essential oils along with some excellent hydrosols that are also recommended for Rosacea.

Colleen Thompson RA®; EOT®; CAHP.

For more information on Colleen Thompson and her work visit: